Kostenfreie Übernachtung in Armani Hotel Dubai (C/F)

Dieses Thema im Forum "Emirates" wurde erstellt von rodus, 4. Mai 2010.

  1. rodus

    rodus Pilot

    Leider habe ich auf der Emirates HP (D/UK) keinen Hinweis gefunden. Weiß jemand ob das Angebot auch für Deutschland gilt? Auf der UK -HP gibt es einen Hinweis auf verschiedene andere Hotels. Frage wäre auch ob das mit dem aktuellen Partner Special zu buchen ist?

    Emirates offer in tie up with Armani Hotel Dubai and The Address Downtown Dubai
    Emirates Airline has teamed up with Armani Hotel Dubai and The Address Downtown Dubai to offer its first and business class passengers flying to or via Dubai, luxurious complimentary hotel stays.
    United Arab Emirates: Sunday, May 02 - 2010

    First Class passengers receive a two-night stay with breakfast at the newly opened Armani Hotel Dubai, while Business Class passengers get a one-night stay with breakfast at The Address Downtown Dubai. With the offer, premium passengers also get the chance to experience literally being on top of the world with priority tickets to the 'At the Top, Burj Khalifa'.

    Valid from 1st June 2010 to 31st August 2010, the offer is applicable to Emirates' First and Business Class passengers travelling to or via Dubai who hold a valid return ticket. Travel must originate outside the UAE and the entire booking must be made either in First or Business Class. Some restrictions will apply for certain points of origin and fare types.

    Russell Sheldon, Senior Vice President, Emirates Network Sales & Development said:

    "We are always looking for ways to enhance and add value to our offerings for our premium customers. With this offer, not only do they fly in style with Emirates' award winning First and Business Class products, but they also stay in style. What could be more stylish than staying in two of the most iconic hotels today - Armani Hotel Dubai and The Address Downtown Dubai."

    "This excellent offer further extends the outstanding service our premium passengers have already come to expect whenever they fly with Emirates."

    Marc Dardenne, Chief Executive Officer, Emaar Hospitality Group and Emaar Hotels & Resorts, stated: "We are pleased to collaborate with Emirates Airline again this summer and extend our hospitality to their First and Business Class passengers. Visitors to Dubai will definitely enjoy a stay at our flagship hotels and also the opportunity to experience the attractions of one of Dubai's most celebrated hotspots."

    Armani Hotel Dubai is the world's first hotel developed by Armani Hotels & Resorts. An integral component of Burj Khalifa, every element of the Armani Hotel Dubai has been personally designed by global fashion legend, Giorgio Armani.

    Flanked by The Dubai Mall, The Address Downtown Dubai is located in the heart of Downtown Dubai, with Burj Khalifa and the stunning Dubai Fountain at its doorstep.

    Details of this offer are subject to change. Terms and conditions apply. This offer may not be available in some countries. Travellers are advised to contact their local Emirates office for further information.
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  2. Sukkot

    Sukkot Diamond Member

    Einfach mal beim EK-Stadtbüro in FFM anrufen?
  3. altstadthro

    altstadthro Silver Member

    Habe heute bei EK in "FRA" angerufen, gilt für alle neuen Buchungen ab 3. Mai und für den Zeitraum wie hier om Posting angegeben.
    Für mich war es leider zu spät, da mein Ticket bereits Ende März ausgestellt wurde, auch keine Kulanzregelung (Statuskunde...) möglich.
    Das Armani Hotel hätte mich schon mal gereizt. Die rufen ja aktuell Raten für den Sommer von 1700 AED plus Taxes auf, das hätte sich sicher gelohnt.
  4. rodus

    rodus Pilot

    Danke! Werde ich somit Ende des Monats nutzen können :mrgreen:
  5. vivavienna

    vivavienna Lotse

    anscheinend jedoch leider nicht dem derzeit laufenden F-Class partner special kombinierbar... schade...
  6. Wome

    Wome Bronze Member

    Gültigkeitszeitraum ist juni - august, oder nicht?
  7. rodus

    rodus Pilot

    Richtig, ist der der 3te Juni nicht Ende diesen Monats :lol:
    Nein? Bin fast den ganzen Juni mit einem Stopover-Ticket unterwegs und habe mein Abflug von DUS sowieso nach FRA verlegt um auch dort F(Suite) Nutzen zu können. Strecke wird FRA- DXB- BKK-USM-BKK-SYD-AKL- MEL-SIN-DXB-FRA sein. Knapp 4 Wochen Urlaub, kanns kaum erwarten...

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